Benchmark Yourself. What to Expect from Investing in Meta?

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In today’s digital landscape, people are increasingly turning to social media to research and connect with builders. In fact, more than 80% of Australians actively utilise social media, dedicating, on average, one hour and 51 minutes daily to platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This is a massive opportunity for builders to connect directly with their target audience, especially as 43% of social media users follow brands and businesses.

 However, navigating online advertising can be challenging and setting realistic expectations is essential. In this blog, we’ll equip you with all the tools you need to achieve success on Meta. We’ll delve into a selection of examples from real builders, providing key insights to help you understand what’s achievable – now and into the future. Armed with this knowledge, you can approach your own Meta ads campaigns with confidence and unlock the power of this targeted advertising platform.


Why invest in Meta?

Meta advertising is a powerful tool for builders. Imagine being able to place your ads directly in front of users most likely to be interested in your services ­– those researching home renovations and custom home building or expressing interest in specific services like heritage restorations. This customisable targeting ensures maximum impact for your budget.

Facebook and Instagram ads are also a fantastic way to showcase your projects. Compelling visuals and descriptions can bring both completed projects and current builds to life, inspiring potential homeowners and establishing your brand as an industry leader. 

Of course, Meta ads offer more than just brand awareness; they’re also a powerful way of driving leads. By offering valuable free content and incorporating clear calls to action, you can convert scrolling social media users into valuable clients.


Understanding the metrics

To benchmark yourself and monitor the success of your Meta campaign, it’s integral to understand the key metrics associated with the platform. These are the most common terms you will need to know:

  • Reach indicates how many unique individuals see your advertisements
  • Impressions refers to how many times your advertisements are viewed
  • Link clicks signify how many users clicked through your ad to your website (or wherever you have directed them)
  • Click through rate (CTR) refers to the percentage of users who click on your ad
  • Leads refers to those who have expressed further interest by filling out a form or contacting your business
  • Cost per click (CPC) and Cost per lead (CPL) turn the above actions (link clicks and leads) into cost metrics, allowing you to see how much you’re paying to acquire a lead or website visitor


 What to expect from Meta ads

Let’s take a look at the results achieved by our Melbourne client, RODA Developments. RODA started investing in Meta ads in 2018 with the aim of generating high-quality new leads to ensure a more consistent workflow. We crafted targeted Facebook and Instagram ads campaigns (alongside a wider marketing strategy) to target potential clients in the northern suburbs of Melbourne.

The results have been very successful with the campaign driving a significant increase in both website traffic and marketing leads. During the first five years of the campaign, we would generate an average of 12 leads per month, with a cost per lead (CPL) of $35. RODA were investing a minimum of $900 per month into Meta, which resulted in an average of 27,000 impressions and 620 link clicks per month. This translates to a cost per click (CPC) of $17.

In 2024, after investing in this platform for more than five years, RODA’s success had grown exponentially: their monthly leads had increased to 30, with a cost per lead (CPL) of just $10 – down from $35 in the earlier years of the campaign. Monthly impressions were up from 27,000 to 50,000, while link clicks increased from 620 to 1000. While the results themselves are impressive in themselves, it’s even more significant when you consider that RODA’s monthly ad spend actually decreased to just $600.


Achieving success in the short-term

In the first few months and years of a Meta ads campaign, your focus should be on establishing brand awareness and building an audience that can be used for retargeting campaigns. Initially, you might draw on Website Traffic, Video Views and Brand Awareness campaigns.

 When reviewing your monthly results, aim for a CPL in the range of $20–$40 and a CTR above 1%. If the results aren’t quite to your expectations, give it time – as we’ve seen with the RODA example above, Meta ad performance can improve over time as your campaigns mature.


 Optimising for long-term success

 Once your campaign has been running for some time, it’s important to optimise your ads to improve the results. This might include refining your audience targeting, updating creatives and refreshing ad copy. Over time, with a well-defined target audience and compelling ads, you can expect website visitors to convert into leads at a higher rate and CPLs to reduce to $7–$15.   

The best thing you can do for long-term success is to keep your ads running. Businesses like RODA have been investing in Meta for more than seven years, which has led to significant improvements in cost efficiency over time. Of course, it’s essential to consistently refine your campaign, monitoring what has worked and replicating this success across other ad types.


Benefits of a long-term Meta advertising campaign

 The data we have analysed from our clients clearly shows that longer advertising efforts lead to better performance. Campaigns that run for extended periods (five years or more) benefit from:

  • Improved cost efficiency: Ongoing adjustments and insights help reduce costs per lead and link click
  • Higher reach and impressions: Consistent exposure builds brand recognition and expands audience engagement
  • Enhanced engagement: Continuous optimisation of ad creatives and targeting strategies increases direct interactions, such as link clicks
  • More effective lead generation: Extended advertising allows for refined strategies that improve lead conversion rates


 Final takeaways

 The above data should be used as general benchmarks for the construction industry. Naturally, performance will vary greatly across different campaigns, locations and industries. For example, a builder looking to advertise in a competitive area like Melbourne’s northern suburbs may need to invest more to see success long term. Conversely, a Meta campaign targeting a small town in regional NSW, may require a smaller investment due to less competition. 

At Sea Salt Marketing, we prioritise a data-driven approach. Our extensive experience working with builders across Australia allows us to craft effective Meta campaigns and comprehensive marketing strategies that generate real, tangible results. If you’re looking for a specialist to help you achieve success on Meta and the wider digital landscape, get in touch with the expert team at Sea Salt Marketing today.

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